Thursday, January 31, 2008

a line between the birds in the sky...

A line between the birds in the sky...
I try to connected the birds like a necklace; tread them up on a line, just as a mind map idea… May be it’s possible to use the way the birds are placed in the sky in some kind of jewellery?!
Or may be I done it the easiest way, may be I need to draw the line in a more unexpected way?!

Its a little bite wired what a line can do on an image,
I think that the image is more “clear” and not so messy with all the birds in the sky, when I draw a line between them…


Unknown said...

Nice and interesting way to see the sky with birds.

MMMM how do you feel with this draw?
may be one bird do the same path ?

ei i remember when we talked about our work on the project, a great experience!!! i learnt a lot Paula.

well may be soon you will have a good notice with your blue brooche!! I hope i am waiting since then.:)

paula said...

Hi Marta!

I feel curios about this lines between the birds, I will do some more "tests", later on... Always later on...

What about the blue brooch???
If you send me the image, I will add it to the blog, I promise!

(I hope we are talking about the same brooch, the one I send to you?)

Have a nice weekend!

With love Paula