Monday, February 18, 2008

freak show or/and art???

A little bite overdone???

Sometimes it’s hard to see any beauty at all in ornaments… in this case it looks like a blind person has lost his mind in a colour box… I wonder if this guy is proud of his look?!

And sometimes is pure art…
Body art painting by Emma Cammack (colour)
and by Youri Du Bout Du Mondo. (black/white)

At this site you can find a lot of interesting body paintings, and other adornments at bodies…
It hard to say and understand why it’s a mostly woman who has the entire colour on them, but when you look at these photos or if you Google at “body art”, you will find that the most images are at woman. Hm?!

I think that body art is strongly connected to jewellery art; we both use the body for showing our things… The body is a little bite like a living, portable showcase…

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