Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Once again, dear visitors; Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Once again, dear visitors; Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I will return to the blog in January 2008.
Have a really nice time!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

igår... yesterday...

Mariann hade en allt-i-allo-fest igår, julfest, nyårsfest, åka iväg fest etc...
Trevlig tillställning i glada vänners lag.
Äppelpaj, kaffe och Champagne, mums!
Jag fick en bild av Mariann, som nu hänger i mitt kök... Glädjespridare över köksbordet.
Konstnär; Mariann Johansson.
A nice party yesterday with friends, I got a painting from Mariann Johansson.
So glad for it, I like these figures very much!

more interesting things in the cyberspace...

I like the soul of the Spanish jewellery artists.
I don’t know what it is, but it touch me in a good way.


Uli Rapp

An interesting site, design and jewellery…

Iris Eichenberg...

Iris Eichenberg. Born in Germany 1965.

Hella Jongerius...

Hella Jongerius.

"For Vitra Edition 2007 Hella Jongerius designed three curious wheeled objects - Office Pets - combining worlds of difference. The underside, the wheels and the material used make each object seem at home in the context of corporate identities. But at the point where you would expect seats and armrests emerge semi-abstract shapes which allude both to Jongerius’ vases and animal figures. These strange office creatures combine rationality and imagination as if they were quantities which always and self-evidently belong together. Office Pets not only provide office staff a light-hearted escape from their tightly organised office life, but also represent a new stage in design. Jongerius as it were pushes a slowly developed phenomenon beyond its ‘natural’ boundaries. In the last half century the word ‘functionality’ has practically lost its original instrumental meaning. Contemporary design is concerned with image, context, meanings and messages rather than immediate utility and use. In 2007 we ask so much more from products than the serviceability that was the central feature of industrial design at the beginning of the 20th century". Text from the internet.
At this blog you can find a lot of interesting contemporary art and design…

Christian Gonzenbach...

Peter Greenaway one of my favourites in the movie world...

The belly of an architect.

porträtt av mig...

I fredags när jag jobbade ute på Kulturlabbet, så fick jag denna fina teckning av en medarbetare som jag känt väldigt länge, ifrån andra sammanhang. Hon har verkligen lyckats fånga mitt leende! Blir så himla glad för såna här fina gester. Hon satt verkligen och måttade, ville kolla in mina skor osv. för att allt skulle bli rätt.

A drawing from a worker at Kulturlabbet, she has done a portrait of me, very serious.
I’m so glad for this portrait and the thought behind. I love my smile!
(here is my pal Paula)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Adrienne Riseley...

Adrienne Riseley from New Zealand, born 1965.
Lives in Gothenburg since 1989.

Dumped supermarket trolleys litter our rivers and canals. Now one artist is rescuing them... to create these incredible wire sculptures that celebrate our water wildlife...
Ptolemy Elrington with his giant heron made from old supermarket trolleys pulled out from the river.

A kingfisher proudly poses with its helpless victim.

Dumped supermarket trolleys litter our rivers and canals. Now one artist is rescuing them... to create these incredible wire sculptures that celebrate our water wildlife...

I found these amazing trolleys sculptures at the internet and I have to say that I’m glad that I find it! What creativity!!! And what a fantasy to see animals in a “dead” trolley…
Photo by Drew
Sculptures by Ptolemy Elrington.

Salvation Mountain...

Allie Louie reporting for Life and Times.

Salvation Mountain "Magical Mystery Tour" transcriptPosted August 15, 2007
Val Zavala>> God is a very personal thing and nothing reveals that more than the work of a desert loner who's built a unique monument to God. His story is part of our "Magical Mystery Tour of California" where we feature the work of student reporters, part of USC's Annenberg School of Journalism. Our reporter today is Allison Louie Garcia who headed to the desert to meet Leonard Knight.
Allie Louie>> Drive two hundred miles east of Los Angeles and you'll reach the edge of the Salton Sea where summer temperatures climb to a hundred twenty degrees. It's a place where few live and little thrives, except here at Salvation Mountain.
Leonard Knight>> And I'd like to give you a tour as you come up here.
Allie Louie>> At first glance, Leonard Knight appears eccentric, but he is also funny, humble and filled with faith.
Leonard Knight>> The truth is, I'm the nothing of nobody. I'm the dumbest little shy thing there ever was, but for some reason, God had me build a mountain.
Allie Louie>> He created his art project on a forgotten government plot, filling it with painted flowers, ceramic figurines and spare parts salvaged from the desert. He used more than a hundred thousand gallons of donated paint and five thousand hay bales covered in adobe. All this to promote one message: God is Love.
Leonard Knight>> I don't want to push God's love on anybody. People used to push me and I don't want to be pushed either, but I let my mountain do my talking.
Allie Louie>> And talk, it does. It speaks of repentance, it speaks of faith, but most of all, it speaks of Knight's personal relationship with God.
Leonard Knight>> So I go right head on to God Almighty and, "Jesus, I love you. Thank you for yesterday. Hello, God, here I am loving you again." I get personal and, when I'm painting sometimes for three or four hours all by myself, that's how I talk.
Allie Louie>> It was named a National Treasure by the United States Congress in 2002. Believers and non-believers alike visit free of charge. They say they're moved by Knight's profound dedication and inspired by his childlike joy.
Rashelle Sundahl>> To see something so God-inspired in the middle of nowhere for nothing because he felt it in his heart one day and just stayed with it, it's amazing.
Christy Loomis>> I mean, you see a lot of large churches and cathedrals and stuff being built, but you don't see something built just by one man that says so much. This is quite an accomplishment and it's something you can see for miles.
Rocky Loomis>> It's pure dedication to faith and everything else, you know.
Allie Louie>> Knight says that his life was a wreck before he found God. Born again, he wanted to spread the word literally.
Leonard Knight>> And in 1971, I saw a hot air balloon fly over Burlington, Vermont and I wanted it to say "God is Love" on it. It said, "Budweiser", of course, and I nagged God for fourteen years. I want a hot air balloon that says, "Jesus, I'm a sinner" and the sinner's prayer, "Jesus, I'm a sinner, please come into my heart."
Allie Louie>> He tried to sew together his own hot air balloon and planned to criss-cross the country with his message, but he could never get his balloon off the ground. In 1984, Knight's truck broke down here in the desert and here he stayed, living in his truck and relying on the kindness of others.
Knight continues to wake at dawn to paint and build. He spends the rest of the day tending to his many visitors, up to a hundred a day in the winter. And he often gives hands-on tours. He makes sure that nobody leaves empty-handed.
Leonard Knight>> "Then you got a flower, see?"
Allie Louie>> For some, the souvenir is tangible like a photograph. For others, it's less tangible, a full spirit, an earful of music, albeit a bit off-tune.
Allie Louie>> Though Knight says he appreciates the notoriety, he's content being a modern-day hermit cloistered in his technicolor mountain.
This is Allie Louie reporting for Life and Times.

Salvation Mountain (location 33°15′14.9″N, 115°28′21.4″W) is a colorful artificial mountain north of Calipatria, California, near Slab City. It is made from adobe, straw, and thousands of gallons of paint. It was created by Leonard Knight to convey the message that "God Loves Everyone". Mr. Knight claims to have refused substantial donations of money and labor from supporters who wished to modify his message of universal love to favor or disfavor particular groups. Salvation Mountain is the second most visited tourist attraction in Imperial County.

Friendly and accessible, Knight welcomes visitors to Slab City and Salvation Mountain and gladly accepts donations of both labor and acrylic paint. Once labeled an environmental hazard, the hill was threatened with removal by
Imperial County. In recent years, the furor seems to have died down and the project has been likened to an epic work of folk art comparable to the Watts Towers. Although the project is an unauthorized one on state land, Salvation Mountain was placed under protection in 2002 when Senator Barbara Boxer entered it into the Congressional Record as a national treasure.
One of my friends visits the Salvation Mountain in November 2007 and told me about it when she comes home, showing photos and so on…
I had never heard about it before and I get fascinated about the whole idea, to get a message from God and after this words/message, built a colourful artificial mountain in the dessert.
Could this happen in Sweden? Can’t think that this is possible in Sweden, I don’t know why, but I feel so strong that it never will happen here. For me its a little bite like a crazy fairytales, someone in the “big world”, the “land over there” gets crazy and decides to build a mountain in the dessert… Why in the United State of America???
Photo and text from the internet.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Jason Taylor from U.K

An installation outside Granada, by Jason Taylor.
underwater sculpture

So GOOD!!! I like it, I love it! I wish I could see it live!

And when you looking at this, check this out too; amazing lamps and sculptures.

I really, really like the internet and the cyberspace who has so much interestings tings that we can find if we got the time!

en recycling gran...

Kan kanske ta ett tag tills man fått ihop till denna gran, men å andra sidan kan det ju vara trevligt att bygga en sådan i glad vänners lag och över en och annan öl... Gäller väl bara att någon har förståndet kvar, när den liksom ska sättas ihop.
Denna bild kom som mail ifrån min mammas väninna, det var väl tänkt som en tokrolig grej, kan jag tänka...
Men jag ser ju "bara" schysst recycling!

halsband och broscher på butik Noll3...

Butik Noll3, Vallgatan 3. Granne med Design Torget.

Har halsband, broscher och vykort som jag gjort.
Skyltat med knapphalsband och kakformsbrosch.

ljus på stan...

Ljust och färgglatt i vintermörkret.

ute vid Nääs Fabriker 10/12...

En ooooooooootroligt stilla dag, nästan overkligt vackert.

workshop med elever på silversmidesprogrammet vid Nääs Fabriker...

En halvdags workshop med Lucia som tema, att göra en skiss, smycke, tolkning åt Lucias håll.
En halvdag är inte mycket, det går bara att starta upp en början, en process mot något som man kan ha användning för/av längre fram, i ett annat sammanhang...

Uppgiften var upplagd så här; först så fick eleverna ett utdrag ifrån nätet med info om Lucia, helgonet, martyren etc. sen så hade jag med mig vardagsföremål (skräp) som de fick ta ur en påse, utan att veta vad de skulle få upp. Detta för att inte på förhand kunna starta upp tankar och därmed också låsa sig vid idéer...
Tanken var att förmålet de fick, skulle ha en betydande roll i det de senare valde att gestalta.

Uppgiften var (rätt omedvetet, kanske) att undersöka materialets möjligheter, vad händer om jag valsar det, bränner på det, slår sönder det osv. På en halvdag, finns ju inga chanser att få klart ett färdigt smycke, men en tanke kan väckas och nästa gång man börjar med något, då så...

En del spännande upptäckter, sånt man inte kan räkna ut innan, inträffade.